Lazy loading images with Intersection Observer

Images play a huge role in loading performance. Websites loading tons of images upfront can be paying a high price in terms of user experience. Based on google’s research 53% of mobile users abandon a site if it does not load in 3 seconds.

To avoid this issue, I am going to show you how to implement lazy loading in only a few lines of code!

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Design Project Organized

Based on atomic design principles I will share to you a methodology to organize design projects. I been reading about atomic design for a while and I think it is a perfect idea to bring concepts like,  divide and conquer and re-usability to design.  Today I found an article explaining an approach to organize projects based on atomic design and I want to try it!

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How to measure design effectiveness

I been reading a book called Adventures in Experience Design written by Carolyn Chandler and Anna Van Slee, and I found a method that seems to be very useful to test how effective an user interface is.

The exercise is just about taking your design with a collection of words that convey positive, negative or neutral feelings and share it with others, so they can choose which words spring to their minds when looking at the design.

Design is all about communication.It is the user communicating with the system model, a conversation between them, and the UI is the channel. Providing a good channel is crucial to succeed with your application. So I went deeper into the technique explained in the book and created a recipe to measure the actual message you are trying to convey with a design.

10 simple steps to measure the design:

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