What’s all the hype about React Server Components?

A couple of weeks ago the React team announced React Server Components. In this article today I will explain what it is, why they came up with this strategy and how to get prepared for it.

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Weekly Digest #10: On Remix, Snowpack, Rome and Web-vitals

The never ending flow of innovation is what I love about the web. There are so many great ideas! In the past few months a lot of innovation happened and in this weekly digest I want to share all those new projects that I am tracking. 

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Learning Path: Getting started with React

Not long ago I started learning React. I have more than 10 years of experience using JS and before React I was actively coding in first wave generation web frameworks (like knockoutJS) and starting to get a grasp on components architecture (but using KO components + web components). Today I am coding entirely in React (both at work and for personal projects) and it’s been great. I love the community, there are a lot of projects & learning resources and I also found React to be a fast way of creating web applications. 

In this post I want to share some resources that helped me learn React and I hope they are useful for anyone starting out there. 

Continue reading “Learning Path: Getting started with React”